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By Dr. Rishavy

Dr. Rishavy explains blepharoplasty. Learn:
– Why have a blepharoplasty.
– Who benefits from blepharoplasty.
– What the procedure includes.

Eyelid surgery, also called an eye lift or blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the eyelids by reducing bagginess from lower eyelids and removing excess skin from the upper eyelids. Surgery can be performed on the upper lids, lower lids or both. A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, reduces wrinkles, improves frown lines and places the eyebrows in a youthful position.

You can download our brochure on Visual Field Deficits here.

Here at Northland Plastic Surgery, one of the procedures we do as Plastic Surgeons involves the upper face. Specifically looking at the eyes, the upper eyelids are an area of concern for many patients that come in to see us. One of the most common procedures is what’s called a blepharoplasty.

That’s where as we get older and we age gravity kind of slowly brings the extra tissue, the skin, down over our eyelids. To try and correct that and make it better is a simple procedure where we essentially just take some extra skin from that upper eyelid away to help kind of brighten and open up that upper eyelid. In addition, as we age, for most patients the brow kind of sinks and comes down also which provides a kind of heaviness or weightedness to those upper eyelids. In the vast majority of patients, when we’re doing the upper eyelids, we will often also do the brow which involves a couple little incisions. We lift and reposition all of that tissue. By doing that it helps to rejuvenate that upper face but more importantly it really helps to open up that peripheral vision or what we call that visual field. In looking at the lower eyelids, which is again another area that we take to rejuvenate or restore many patients who come to see us, will have a puffiness or fullness below their eyes. Sometimes the eyelid has actually kind of to started to pull away from the eye itself or is kind of just hanging. So another procedure that we do and essentially this is from a small incision along the side of the eye and underneath the eye is to rejuvenate those lower eyelids by eliminating that puffiness and we either help to resuspend or to remove that fullness or that puffiness for the lower eyelid.