Dedicated to Beautiful Skin

The Skin Care Center of Northland Plastic Surgery

Welcome to The Skin Care Center of Northland Plastic Surgery, a medical skin care center devoted to the latest techniques in therapeutic skin care. We offer solutions to a broad range of skin care conditions. No matter your age, gender or lifestyle, we can improve the appearance of your skin.

Our goal at The Skin Care Center is to refresh, renew and revitalize your skin. With our professional consultation and treatment plan you will see clearer, healthier looking skin. Some of our most popular services include the Dermaglow microdermabrasion, microneedling using the Skin Pen II, the Lamprobe, TCA peels, micropeels, therapeutic facials and, of course, professional make-up consultations and applications using our chemical- and preservative-free jane iredale Mineral Cosmetics.

Skin Care Center

Your personal skin care consultant:

Ardie Besser

Skin Care Specialist, Licensed Advanced Practice Esthetician

Our Skin Care Specialist, Ardie Besser, will meet with you one-on-one to review your skin problem areas along with your lifestyle, goals and expectations. Common treatable conditions include acne, redness (rosacea), dryness, discoloration (pregnancy masks, sun spots, etc.), fine wrinkles, milia, skin tags, cherry angiomas, benign moles, keratosis, broken capillaries, light scarring, uneven skin surface and dull-looking skin.

The Skin Care Center offers an array of corrective skin care products, including prescription strength products from Obagi. All of our products are highly effective and are recommended by our plastic surgeons.

Our plastic surgeons offer the next level of non-invasive procedures including dermal fillers, botox, laser resurfacing and spider vein removal.


Why wait?

Look and feel your best. 

Day, evening and Saturday appointments available.

(218) 724-7363

To schedule an appointment or order product:

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