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By Dr. Baertsch

Liposuction slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits and improving your body contours and proportion. Lipo is a one treatment procedure and is not intended as a weight loss option. In this vlog, Dr. Baertsch discusses the benefits of liposuction.

  • candidates for liposuction
  • purpose of liposuction
  • techniques used at Northland Plastic Surgery

Liposuction is one of the more common cosmetic procedures. A specialty of Northland Plastic Surgery. I like to think of it as sculpturing of the body. It’s really not appropriate for people to try to lose weight or if people are heavy and they want to be thin. It really is appropriate in a situation where someone’s at a stable body weight and they just have certain bulges or shapes to their body that they’re unhappy with and in that situation liposuction is a very, very effective.

Liposuction Duluth

This is a long-term technique to really change the shape of the person’s body. We use a technique called tumescent liposuction where we inject saline with a local anesthetic and adrenaline into the tissues ahead of time that helps people be more comfortable afterwards and it reduces the amount of bruising. We also use a technique called power assisted liposuction and that is a little less dramatic on the tissues and it’s a little easier for the surgeon to be precise in the procedure. It’s a quite easy surgery to recover from. There’s certainly some bruising and swelling and we have you wear compression garment afterwards but there are really no activity restrictions. It’s all based on your comfort and people advance to normal activities quite quickly after the surgery. It does take several months for all the swelling and some of the irregularities to smooth out and before we’ll be able to assess the final results.

If you have questions or would like to schedule a consultation, contact us.