Face Reconstructive Surgery

Board Certified Face Reconstructive Surgery

At Northland Plastic Surgery all of our surgeons are board certified plastic surgeons. They are highly skilled and perform head and face reconstructive surgery for patients all of the region. Located in Duluth, MN, Northland Plastic Surgery offers both in office appointments and for some consultations and follow-up appointments, telehealth is available.

Reasons for Face Reconstructive Surgery

There are many reasons plastics surgeons perform surgery on the face and head and there are several options to help achieve your goals and correct function or appearance. People seeking these types of surgeries may be motivated by a desire to reconstruct their face after an injury, disease or birth defect. Or they may want to reverse the signs of aging, remove contour irregularities or deformities, or make the features of the face appear natural and in proportion with one another. We offer a full range of services and will discuss all options with you before deciding together what best suits you.

Get Expert Help

If you are considering head or face reconstructive surgery we area happy to answer your questions.  Please remember that smoking affects how the body heals.  Because of that, we highly recommend that anyone considering surgery, especially on the face, quits all tobacco products prior to surgery. 

To schedule a consulation, call us at (218) 724-7363 or email us.

Learn More

View Dr. Weber’s vlog on facial trauma here.

Eye Lift (Blepharoplasty)

Eyelid surgery, also called an eye lift or blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the eyelids.

Eye Sockets

Eye socket reconstruction is performed to treat and repair tumors, fractures or trauma of the eye socket.

Broken Nose

Severe nose breaks or a nose that has been broken multiple times may require surgery to realign the bones and reshape your nose.

Deviated Septum

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to correct a deviated septum, which is when the septum is shifted towards one side of the naval cavity.

Cheekbone Reconstruction

Traumatic injuries involving your face, such as a car accident, can cause many facial fractures.

Jaw Fractures

Jaw surgery corrects injuries from trauma and irregularities of the jaw bones and realigns the jaws and teeth to improve the way they work and look.

Facial Lacerations

Lacerations should be treated as soon as possible. Ideally, a laceration should be treated within six to twelve hours following the injury.

Cleft Lip and Palate

Both the cosmetic and functional problems related to cleft lip and palate can be dramatically improved with properly timed reconstructive surgery, orthodontics, and speech therapy.

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