
Reconstructive Microsurgery

Reconstructive microsurgery is a surgical discipline in which specialized operating microscopes and precision instrumentation are used to repair intricate structures such as blood vessels and nerves less than a few millimeters in diameter. This field has made a major impact to restore form and function to individuals impaired by trauma, cancer and congenital anomalies.

Microsurgery is used to perform intricate operations on tiny structures, such as blood vessels or nerves. In Plastic Surgery, we often use this technique to reconstruct delicate areas such as hand and/or fingers after trauma. We also use this skill to repair areas with lost tissue from accidents or cancer removal and even something as severe as a reattachment after loss of a limb or finger(s). This allows us to restore both form and function in our best-case scenarios when used with other surgical skills.

reconstructive microsurgery

Fingers and Toes

When the tip of a finger is cut off or crushed in an injury, they can often be allowed to heal with proper wound care. In some cases, a flap or graft may be used to replace lost tissue.


Northland Plastic Surgery physicians are the only plastic surgeons in the region (all of northern MN, northern WI, and upper MI) who do microsurgery, including the replantation of digits and limbs.


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